Santa Clarita Cavity Care
Pediatric Dentists in Valencia, CA
It can feel like you have done something wrong when you find out your child has a cavity. However, they are very common, with 42 percent of children in the United States getting at least one. The dentists at Santa Clarita Children’s Dental in Valencia, California provide white fillings that mimic natural teeth. If your child needs fillings and you want them to have a natural look, call us or book an appointment online.
White Fillings for the Front and Back of the Teeth Q & A
What are white fillings made of?
They are made from glass powders and acrylic acid. They reflect the color of the teeth, giving a natural appearance.
Are white fillings durable?
Yes. They have been in use for years and many practices, including Santa Clarita Children’s Dental, prefer them to amalgam fillings. They will eventually need replacing, but with baby teeth in particular, this is not a concern.
What is the process for filling a cavity?
Once a cavity has been found, we set up an appointment for a filling. At the filling appointment, local anesthetic is used to prevent pain. Then, the decayed area is removed, and then the tooth is filled with white composite. A UV light is used to dry the filling faster. After the filling is in, the child will need to avoid eating and drinking for a few hours.
It is important that we have a detailed medical history before starting treatment, as some conditions can interfere with dental health or complicate procedures. This is especially true with immune and connective tissue disorders.
How can I prevent future cavities from forming?
Steps you can take to prevent any more cavities from forming include:
- Brushing twice a day
- Flossing every day
- Using a fluoride toothpaste
- Offering healthy foods
- Following up with the dentist as scheduled
Call the office or book an appointment online if you’re concerned that your child might have cavities